"How can I get my ex back in any situation? He/she is ignoring me most of the time? Any way to overcome that?" Perhaps you are in a situation similar to the one described above and you are really worried about it. What you need to know is this. If you are doing the things that seem logical, then you are probably doing the wrong things.
So, what are those logical things? They include but are not limited to: 1) You argue about the break up You really want to get your ex back. Since you are now at a loss of what to do, obviously, the logical thing to do is to argue with your ex. Unfortunately, this usually push your ex further away instead of pulling your ex towards you. 2) You contact your ex too frequently You really want to get back your ex. Perhaps the last argument doesn't work so well. So you are very eager to talk to him/her again.
You called several times but didn't receive any answer or reply. You tried calling again. And the more you cal, the more he/she tries to avoid you. 3) You keep on saying sorry. Whether you have done anything wrong or not, this is really not the time to say sorry. There is a right and wrong way to say sorry.
If you are saying sorry for the sake of getting her back even if you have done nothing wrong, it may backfire on you. This is especially true just after a break up.
How can I get my ex back fast? Watch a video that shows you exactly what you must NEVER do, what you should do to get your ex back and why at How Can I Get My Ex Back Video Tips You will also learn how to reverse the situation if you have already done those things that should NEVER be done.