6 Signs You're Dating An Alpha Female

She's on top of her dating game. She is obstinate, conceited and doesn't make it easy for you to pick her up. She gives you a run for your money and makes you work overtime on her, so to speak. But all this only makes her more appealing to you. She is, in other words, the quintessential "alpha female."
The alpha female has an uncanny ability to make men chase her. Her talent is very distinct from that of the "alpha male," a man whose aptitude for chasing women is finely tuned. But the alpha female's talents are special, and consequently, chasing her might be your biggest dating challenge yet.
So how can you tell if she's an alpha female? Below are six dead giveaways along with strategies to deal with her sneaky alpha tactics. In addition to the tips below, there is only one more thing you need to remember when pursuing a woman who knows her way around the dating game: Keep your cool. An alpha female can smell fear.
She acts unimpressed by your romantic gestures
An alpha female is used to men chasing her, so don't be surprised if cliché gifts like flowers and chocolate don't impress her. Remember this: Her expectations are higher than most women's, so you will have to be a little more original to get her attention.
How to counteract it: Try writing her a personalized letter and leaving it on her windshield, for example. Or make her lunch and bring it to her at work. Whatever it is, be different.
If she still acts unimpressed, do continue to make kind gestures, but don't go overboard. This type of woman is used to men going crazy for her, and you will stand out more if you can keep your cool.
She continues to date other men
Clearly, she doesn't want to commit. The alpha woman always has several men on the go and likes to keep her options open.
How to counteract it: The only way to deal with her wandering eyes is to do the same. In other words, fight fire with fire and continue to date other women until you discuss otherwise. |